Friday, May 28, 2010
Steps Challenge!
I'm thinking a 1 or 2 week bout revolving around FT's new steps tourneys. The idea is to start with a set amount at step 0 (the $1 superturbos) - lets say 25 buyins or so ($27.50 @ $1.10 per step 0 - or use FTPs to buy into step 0's - the point is to start at the beginning) ... get as many step 1's as you can, work those into step 2's etc.... until you're either busto or you have a 10k seat. We could do this as a point system - with the step # the amount of points you earn. You CAN NOT buy directly into a bigger step, you have to earn it from 0 and work up. You can choose to stop at any point throughout and keep those points (and the ticket to use however you wish). Redo's count (if you do a step 2 and don't win, but get sent back to step 1 that counts as 3 points). Potentially someone could work 1 ticket up to step 6, and another not make it past step 1, but get 50 redos and take this thing down...
First person to a 10k seat is an auto-win and this thing is over.
Usual props apply - winner pot, horsie, best post, blah blah blah - you decide.
Anyone interested? Should step 0 be more/less than 25? 1 week, 2 weeks?
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Who do I owe what to?
Monday, March 8, 2010
Funniest Poster
You, dear alien, are a hoot.
Not the hoot who does jello shots with no hands,
The hoot with feathers on days besides Halloween.
Interstellar graphs,
With lines,
So many lines,
That are meaningless to this
Colorblind gentleman,
Who would like to meet your Ev one day,
She sounds nice.
The post bet
There once was a Mean Happy Guy,
who chose to give drawing a try.
He did it while drunk,
with the tip of his junk,
but the size of his pen made him cry.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Horse Bet
When there is no white in a painting of mine, you know that I've put some time into it. It just so happens on this part of the track there is no scenery. Why is there no scenery? Jordan bought everything in sight and has it in his mansion. In fact, there is a clearcut forest all along the next furlong of the track.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The REAL Bets
4) Funniest Post
MHG: A poem ode to the victor
Blaargh!: dirty limerick
Dr. Chako: poetry
Kat: haiku/poem
I do not think we have a clearcut winner for this yet, we will need to hash this out in the comments section. Or perhaps each bettor will pick their favorite funniest post and give their writing to the victor?
5) Betting the horses
MHG: A painting of the victor
Blaargh!: painting
Dr. Chako: Some form of original art. I may write and record a song.
Kat: crafty/pokery goodness
Thanks to CK for her spreadsheet skills. Unfortunately, Blaargh, Dr. C, and Kat all ended up in a 3-way tie. With me finishing dead-last. I will create a painting of all three victors.
6) Bad Beat of the Challenge (worst bad beat of the challenge, non-monetary)
MHG: A box of Kleenex
Blaargh!: The world's smallest violin
Dr. Chako: The world's 2nd smallest violin. Apparently the smallest was already taken.
If I recall correctly, I think Blaargh had a pretty nice bad beat at some point in this challenge, but I will need to do some research. What say you, peanut gallery?
7) Most hands played during the challenge
Blaargh!: $5
MHG: $2
Aposec72: $3
The spreadsheet of my challenge has already been posted, and I didn't make it to 10k, so I'm pretty sure I lost this one. I'm not sure who between Blaargh and Aposec to give money to.
8) Best overall winrate over 10k hands
Blaargh!: $5
MHG: $2
This one could be tricky. If Blaargh was negative over 10k hands, is that better or worse than not even playing 10k hands? Sigh. I'm willing to fight to the death over this bet.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Good Game
Congrats to Jordan on the win.
The Tax Man Cometh (i.e., how much do you owe me)
My bets were:
$10 for % bankroll increase
$5 for biggest cash
$5 for Slayer of Donkeys
Payouts should be as follows:
MHG - $7
Blaargh! - $20
BWOP - $10
Dr. Chako - $20
Kat - $15
Aposec - $12
Shawn - $10
Heffmike - $25
You can verify the bets HERE. I did not include any bets for which I was not a part.
Payment can be made on FullTilt to HighOnPoker or on PokerStars to HighOnPokr (no E). If you want to arrange for alternative payments, please email me. Sexual favors in lieu of payment is only offered to the girls and MHG.*
On a related note, would anyone be interested in a new Heads-Up Challenge? Depending on the amount of players, it may be a round-robin tournament or a bracket tournament. This is all hypothetical until we have enough players and can settle on a "buy-in". If you are interested, feel free to leave a comment or email me (highonpokr AT yahoo DOT communist). I would like to do a buy-in of $20, ideally, but I'm open to suggestion. Start time for this challenge is likely no sooner than two weeks from today. I'll need some time to organize the brackets and get the money, which must be paid in advance of the challenge (I will pay out the winners directly).
Until next time, good game!
*By accepting this offer, you also agree that any venereal diseases or embryos obtained through the alternative payment system is the sole responsibility of the payor. After any such sexual embrace, the payor agrees not to fall in love with, stalk, or communicate with the payee, HighOnPoker. All sexual favors are subject to Germs and Positions.
Dr. Chako's results

% Bankroll Increase: 53.8% ($151.20/98.33)
Largest Score: $36.00
Slayer of Donkeys: 5.5% (1/18)
At least I had an entry for the Bad Beat.
Edit - I had 2 entries. This one was truly bad and I was actually in this hand.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Awesomeness of FAIL
It's over?
blaargh. (the sound, as well as the name)

Didn't get a chance to try for a hail mary, only played the mook on wed, otherwise, been working non-stop.... so.... enjoy. I'll try to post the sickening graphs and charts later, but lets just assume I've lost every bet. At least I'm not negative this time, though I feel like I am after a high of 3700.... yeesh.
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Couple of 90-man SnG wins finally righted the ship, but I should have done so much better than this. Just tell me what to ship where once all the side bets are settled.
% Bankroll Increase: 17% ($3839.31/3271.27)
Largest Score: $999.00
Slayer of Donkeys %: 1.11% (1/90)
I Retire
The first few days of this challenge were great. I was cashing fairly deep in tournaments, making money, loving life. Then Rush Poker came. The smallest limit wasn't low enough to play with proper bankroll management, but I played anyways. It seemed like every blogger was winning big money, so I felt compelled to play. I lost. Then lost some more.
I created a spreadsheet for this challenge (which you'll have to click to read):
Date played, type of poker/buy-in, how many hands I played, win/loss, notes, and finally a 1-10 self-rating of my play. Undisciplined play and distractions place all the blame squarely on my shoulders for the loss in bankroll.
I was hoping this challenge would turn me into a stone-cold killer on the virtual felt. Instead, I've realized that I'm not cut out for it. I played a lot of home games over the past two months and I've cashed nearly every time while having a blast with friends. When I've played online over the past two months I have usually been wishing I was outside doing something else. I also didn't play a few tournaments because I wanted to be available should something more fun come along.
Looking forward to seeing others' results roll in over the next few days. I completely forgot about posting this until I saw Jordo's crappy post.
I should have all the side bets tabulated by the end of the week, assuming you all post some screen shots!
HighOnPoker's Final Bankroll

% Bankroll Increase: 901% ($1,550.14/172.03 = 9.0108)
Largest Score: $1,257.79
Slayer of Donkeys %: 0.04% (1/243 = 0.004)
Hypothetically, if I were to be fortunate enough to win one or perhaps even multiple bets, all payments can be sent to HighOnPoker at FullTilt or HighOnPokr (with no E) at PokerStars. Hypothetically.
One Last Run
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
New Buy Out Offer
Blaargh is not dead (that's just the way he looks)
The last bad beat
Oh come on, you KNEW it was coming. For what it's worth, both hands ended up besting me, as the player on the left ended up with tens full of threes.
So, why do I call it the last bad beat?
Well, after this latest flameout, my bankroll is at a paltry $0.33.
That pretty much precludes me from playing anything except the Daily Dollar for FTP points.
So, in all certainty, I'm now out of the running for any of the prop bets.
More cheddah for ya to chase.
It's probably for the bext anyway. I started getting wildly burned out in January and February and could use a good, long break anyway to recharge a little bit.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Live Blogging "The Daily Dollar"
6,000 Runners at the tip off, sure to be closer to 10,000 by the time registration closes. A one-dollar gang bang. I don't envy Lady Luck tonight.
Hand 1: Start off the night with 82o in the cut off. Intend on raising, but douche before me raises a limper 6xBB. Fold reluctantly.
Hand 2: A6o in MP, UTG raises 6xBB, fold.
Syracuse is up 49 to 33 in the second half with 16 minutes left. Rautins needs to stop hitting three pointers if Georgetown has any hope 52-33.
Hand 3: 93o, fold to 7xBB raise in front of me.
Hand 4: K7o, open fold +1UTG.
Not even a cool Guinness in a "Mother Knows Best" mug is going to save me from ranting tonight.
Hand 5: K3o UTG, fold.
I will dip below or above my starting stack on the next hand... BB special?!?!
Hand 6: J4hh, suited baby!!! UTG+1 min raises, gets one caller, hijack min-re-raises, SB calls, I call with my HEARTS, UTG+1 Min-re-re-raises and gets four callers... oh baby tonight is going to be fun. Flop is all diamonds and I fold to a continuation pot-sized bet by Mr. Min-Re-raise.
Hand 7: 84o, complete in the SB with 3 others and the BB. Flop checks around K53, turn another 3 and Late position guy bets 300 into an 80 chip pot. Fold.
Hand 8: AJo on the button! limper from EP, Min-raiser min-raises, four callers including me. K74. Some guy bets 1/2 pot and I call loose, as does Mr. Min-reraiser. We check the 7 on the turn. I bet the Ace on the river (420, just shy of the pot) and don't get a caller. Up to 3250
Hand 9: AQo in the cutoff! MP guy bets 70 (3.5BB), I raise to 220 in the Cut-off. Blinds fold and the original raiser calls. KK6 rainbow flop, he checks and I bet another 420, he calls. We check the 5 turn. 4 on the river and he bets the 1310 pot. I make a hero call with my A-hi, because I confuse this guy with Mr. Min-Re-Raise. He shows TT and I'm down to 1300.
Hand 10: 69o, fold.
Hand 11: AQ CRUBS in MP. Open-raise 3.5BB. Called in 2 places. T87 rainbow flop. Pot-sized continuation bet takes it down.
Hand 12: 57o, fold.
Hand 13: AKo, UTG+1, open-raise to 105 or 3.5BB. Called from MP. Min-re-raised by Mr. Min-ReRaise, BB calls, I go all-in for 1300. MP guy folds, Mr. Min-re-raise calls my push, BB calls as well. They both get it all in on the JT3 rainbow flop. They both have AJo and end up splitting my chips.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I made the final table of event 34 in the LA Poker Classic series at Commerce. I'll be coming to the table 3rd in chips today when the action resumes. If anybody wants to follow I'll be posting @holecardsrwild on twitter. We start again 3:30 PT.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Where Was High on Poker Last Night?
Stupid PokerStars technical issues.
PokerStars Tournament #242039371, Pot Limit Omaha
Buy-In: $3.00/$0.30 USD
839 players
Total Prize Pool: $2517.00 USD
Tournament started 2010/02/15 14:30:00 PT [2010/02/15 17:30:00 ET]
Dear CKBWoP,
Tournament #242039371 has been cancelled due to technical reasons.
When a tournament is cancelled, and players have already reached the money, we refund each player their tournament fee, and then divide up the prize pool based on the following formula:
- each player receives the minimum prize not yet awarded at the time of cancellation
- the remainder of the award pool distributed proportionally according to the chip count
At the time of cancellation there were 34 players remaining, and your chip count was 63,155.00. Total chips in play were 2,517,000.00. The remaning prize pool was USD 2,026.82 and the minimum prize was USD 10.82.
Prize pool to be divided equally: USD 10.82 * 34 = USD 367.88
Prize pool to be divided based on chip count: USD 2,026.82 - USD 367.88 = USD 1,658.94
Your share in money equally divided: USD 10.82
Your share based on your chip count: USD 1,658.94 * (63,155.00 / 2,517,000.00) = USD 41.62
Your entry fee refunded: USD 0.30
Total money refunded to your account: USD 52.74
We apologize for the inconvenience.
The PokerStars Team
Monday, February 15, 2010
I finally do something worth posting.

I went from 6K in chips at 1K/2K/125 with two tables left - to winning four straight all-ins with the best of it every time to take the chip lead to the final table. I only lost two more hands after that and finally got heads up, but with only 30-odd blinds in play, we just chopped it 50-50.
I would have played it out, but I realized first wouldn't have beaten Jordan's tourney win last month. I guess I have 13 more days to try one more time and bink it out of there.
Amusingly enough, this finally puts me back in black for the Challenge after two weeks of run bad/play worse. Perhaps the worm is turning.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Matrix Sweep (almost)

Friday, February 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Yeah, I Know . . .
Need to figure out my game plan for breaking Jordan's crusty old heart.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Know when to say no...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Bad Beat of Donkishness
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
50% Off Coupon
Since I am such a magnanimous guy, I have decided to offer mercy on my fellow SBC players. I am now willing to consider 50% buy-outs of all prop bets. If you think there is no chance you will beat my amazingness, simply let me know and if agreed, I will accept a 50% payout. If I win, you don't pay. If I don't win...well, let's be honest. That isn't going to happen. BUT if I don't win, then the bet is over anyway, so you get nothing from me.
Now, some of you might be asking yourself, "Self, why would I take such an offer?" The answer is simple. You like your money. Take the discount, ladies. It's the smart economical decision.
Until next time, pay me!
Monday, February 1, 2010
All Downhill From Here
Okay, okay, rant over.
Halfway point and my top secret scores will stay top secret. You can take that to mean I've lost half my bankroll and have no scores worthy of posting... or you can take it to mean my scores make Jordan's look like chump change. Your call.
Rush poker is bullshit. That, and FT needs a smaller buy-in Rush Poker so I don't lose my entire bankroll in the next week.
Halfway there
Starting bankroll: 13.52.
1) Current Roll: 21.11 (+56%)
2) Largest Score: Meh.
3) Slayer of Donkeys: 353/10131 (3.48%)
7) Most hands played (Ring Games): 2,749 (470 at .05/.10, 2,279 at .01/.02)
I played almost a thousand ring game hands this week, and did all right, but I lost a bit trying to take some deeper shots in a few $5 tourneys and specacularly flaming out.
On Yer Horses
The participants in the horsie prop challenge are BLAARGH!, Doc Chako, Katitude and Meanhappyguy.
Here's how the picks went down:
Because everyone picked me for largest score (awwwwww, that's sweet), it's going to come down to % gained and slayer of donkeys. It looks like Jordan is the man to beat in all categories, which puts Meanhappyguy at a significant disadvantage.
Week 4 update - BLAARGH
(graph - 1/25/10 -2/1/10)
starting br | | date | current br | % week | $/wk |
1,960.82 | week 1 | 1/11/10 | $2,506.43 | 27.83% | $545.61 |
| week 2 | 1/18/10 | $2,782.20 | 11.00% | $275.77 |
| week 3 | 1/25/10 | $3,482.82 | 25.18% | $700.62 |
| week 4 | 2/1/10 | $3,036.83 | (12.81%) | ($445.99) |
| week 5 | 2/8/10 | | | |
| week 6 | 2/15/10 | | | |
| week 7 | 2/22/10 | | | |
| week 8 | 3/1/10 | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | Totals | 51.20% | $1,076.01 |
BLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH! Dug myself a nice $800 hole early in the week, knuckled down and ground it out to almost even playing 50NL, then flushed it all away Sunday night playing 100NL again. I'm running super terrible at 100NL - I got set over set twice, rivered a bunch of times blah blah blah, whine whine whine. My BR was padded by a nice fat rakeback deposit, so I'm actually doing worse than it looks here. Just gonna keep going, concentrate on 50NL and try to grind back to where I was. On a good note, 1K is the most I've ever made in a month, and if I had been running close to EV it would have been almost 2k (yep, I'm running THAT bad for the month).
2. Largest score
date | tourney | buy in | prize | won |
1/6/10 | mookie | $11.00 | $46.00 | $35.00 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
3. Slayer of Donkeys (smallest fraction: finish place / # of entrants)
date | tourney | entrants | finish | % |
1/6/10 | mookie | 23 | 3 | 13.04% |
1/30/10 | WBCOOP 6 | 1,939 | 210 | 10.83% |
| | | | |
4. Funniest post (non-monetary)
5. Betting the horses (picking the victor of bets 1-3, non-monetary)
6. Bad Beat of the Challenge (worst bad beat of the challenge, non-monetary)
where to begin????
7. Most hands played during the challenge (cash game only)
| date | hands/wk |
week 1 | 1/11/10 | 4,037 |
week 2 | 1/18/10 | 1,725 |
week 3 | 1/25/10 | 8,336 |
week 4 | 2/1/10 | 7,836 |
week 5 | 2/8/10 | |
week 6 | 2/15/10 | |
week 7 | 2/22/10 | |
week 8 | 3/1/10 | |
| | |
| total | 21,934 |
8. Best overall winrate over 10k hands
running at 6.83bb/100, 10.92bb/100 EV Adjusted (I know, doesn't mean shit, but I like to rub in how bad I'm running every chance I get!)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sorry to rain on your parade, ladies, but I got bored waiting for you all to catch up to my high score and decided to sextuple it. $1257.79 for 1st place in a $27.50 NLHE big ante tournament with 234 players.

My bankroll is now at $1694.67, up 985% from my starting point of $172.03. I am open to buy-outs.
BIGGEST CASH: $1257.79
DONKEY SLAYER: .43% (.00427)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I feel violated...

Week 3 Update - APOSEC72
Anyway, I figured I would post some more details, since I haven't don't much in previous updates.
Starting bankroll: $13.52
Ring Games:
.01/.02 NLHE: 1,577 hands played, net loss of $1.74. -4.54BB/100.
.05/.10 NLHE: 408 hands played, net gain of $19.16. 46.96BB/100 (which will be impossible to continue).
Total: 1,985 hands, net gain of $17.42
Played 1 $3.30 90-man KO, got one bounty for $.50.
Played 2 $2.25 Matrix tourneys; washed out in 1, cashed $1.08 in other.
Played 1 $2.25 9-man SnG, placed 3rd for $3.60.
Played 4 $1.20 SnG's, cashed for a total of $3.72.
Total: Buyins 14.85, Cashouts 8.90, Net (-5.95)
$3.30 KO MTT, 421/837, $0.00
$2.50 + $.50 KO MTT, 2/25, $8.88
$1 MTT, 353/10131, $4.05
$3.30 MTT, 76/596, $0.00
$5.50 HORSE MTT, 64/189, $0.00
$1.10 BLT Satellite (1/227), Win, $5.50
$1.10 BLT Satellite (1/183), Win, $5.50
Total: Buyins 18.30, Cashouts 23.93, Net +5.63
Total Bankroll (as of 1/25/10)
Starting Roll: 13.52
Cash Games: 17.42
SNG's: (-5.95)
MTT's: 5.63
ENDING ROLL (for now): 30.62
1) Most gained as a percentage of roll: Well, I've grown it from 13.52 to 30.62, for a percentage gain of 126.48%. If recent posts are any indication, that's probably not good for much right now.
2) Largest Score: I don't have any that really qualify, as I haven't tried too many deep tourneys and have been mucking around in the shallow end of the pool.
3) Slayer of Donkeys -Sadly, this entry is still my best qualifier, and it's not even close: 353/10131 = 3.48%
7) Most Hands Played: I've played only about 2,000 hands in ring games so far. I haven't had any really long sessions yet - I think the longest I have done was one session of about 250 hands. (I'm assuming we are only counting cash games, not SNG's or MTT's, right?)
So, a less than stellar update - but at least I have enough in there to cover bets I've made with y'all if it doesn't go any higher :)